Anne Baring -- New Wine in New Bottles
Anne Baring -- New Wine in New Bottles
Threads of Love -- Lewellyn Vaughan Lee
Fractals of the Cosmic Heart
Conspirituality and Metaphysical Perplexity
Konstantinos Kavafis - 'Waiting for the Barbarians'
Matthew Fox - Creation Spirituality
Brad and Hillary Keeney - Sacred Ecstatics
Jay Michaelson - Learn Kabbalah
Arny and Amy Mindell - Processwork
Iain McGilchrist - Author, Psychiatrist
Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation
Keith Hackwood - Psychosynthesis Wales
Andrew Phillips - Artist, Psychotherapist
Petra Guggisberg Nocelli -- Psychosynthesis
Gary Lachman - Writer
Paul Levy - Awaken in the Dream
Tom Cheetham - Author, Poet
Robert Powell - Divine Wisdom
Bill Plotkin - Animas Valley Institute
Peter Kingsley - Mystic and Scholar